Becoming an MYPN Member

Becoming a member of MYPN is as easy as filling out our Membership Form below and paying your membership fees. Our memberships run from June 30 until July 1 of the next year, and discounted membership may be available if you join more than 6 months into the current financial year.

MYPN’s memberships for 2019/2020 are now available for $50 and can be paid either in person at one of our events or by EFT.  To sign up complete the form below and select your payment method. Please use your full name as the reference for any EFT payments.

If you wish to pay by credit card you can also sign up through our TryBooking Event

Membership Application Form 2019/2020

First Name *

Last Name *



Postal Address *

Phone Number *

Email *

Payment Method*

Please enter the text from the image below


* Required field


MYPN Model Rules



Mildura Young Professionals Network

BSB: 633-000

Account: 129136883